Detox your Inbox! This could be one of your best New Year’s Resolutions ever! How much time every day do you spend swiping away junk email? (Answer: Too much.) Let’s make this the year you banish the junk altogether.

One option: Every day, unsubscribe from five unwanted legitimate mailing lists. In any given email, look near the bottom for an “unsubscribe” link. If you’re an iOS user, you can also look for an “unsubscribe” option at the top of the email — though that merely shoots an unsubscribe request back to the sender, which doesn’t always work.

Yep, just five per day. Each one should take all of about 20 seconds, so you should be able to knock them out in under two minutes. After a few weeks of this detox process, the flow of unwanted mail should have decreased significantly.

Second Option: If you do not recognize the organization emailing you, be sure to block these emails as junk mail. Since the majority of email spammers sell your email address and flag it as a working email, unsubscribing can make your name remain on lists and be resold over and over. It is better to simply blacklist or mark as “junk” rather than unsubscribe.